You say this after a car accident. When you realize you aren't moving anymore. When everything is still.
You say this after a break-up. The moments after someone says that they don't love you, they never did and they never want to see you again.
"I'm okay." And you tell yourself you left three pairs of panties, half a carton of orange juice and a bottle of shampoo in their apartment. You decide not to go back for any of these things.
"I'm okay." is sometimes whispered when you wake up in an unfamiliar place, like a park or a Denny's restroom. Unsure of how you got there. You check to see if you still have panties on, you push your fingers in your vagina. You check to see if you smell anything other than that familiar pussy smell. You're bra is still on. You're okay, now you just have to figure out where your car is.
"I'm okay." when someone asks how your day was. And you get the feeling that no matter what you said, they wouldn't care.
I'm not okay. I'm not okay. I'm not okay. But I will be.