Monday, March 14, 2011

Coffee and Silver

Our first date was at a coffee shop. He had suggested the place and I was planning on drinking water or getting tea. I don't like coffee. He was already there when I arrived, we stood in line together, he offered to buy me coffee, I said yes. We dated for six months. During this time he we went to a lot of coffee shops. He would make me coffee in the morning. I had my own coffee mug in his apartment. We broke up on a Tuesday. I never picked up my coffee mug and he never knew I hated coffee.

Another boyfriend bought me silver jewelery. Silver necklaces, silver earrings, silver bracelets, silver rings with embedded precious stones, silver everything.

I don't like jewelery, I don't wear jewelery, I especially don't like silver.
When we broke up I asked if he wanted the jewelery back, he said no.

I've also pretended to be a virgin, twice.

If I were to say I didn't mean to lie, that would be a lie. I didn't lie maliciously. In the past I have lied in relationships because I wasn't sure what I wanted. I wasn't really sure what I liked. I didn't say I liked coffee to trick him, I lied because he was nice enough to buy me coffee. I didn't tell the other guy I didn't like silver because he was thoughtful enough to buy me jewelery and I wore the jewelery whenever we were together. And the first time I lied about being a virgin, was because I was ashamed I wasn't. And the second time I lied because he assumed I was a virgin, and I didn't want to disappoint him.

Relationships are difficult, I know that and you know that. Do I regret lying? Kinda. Will I lie again? Maybe.

My secret is this: if you ask if I'm lying, I'll tell you. I don't lie about lying. And some people say, that's the best thing about me.

Thanks for the inspiration Michael.

1 comment:

  1. You're an emotional genius. Maybe an all around genius. I love this post.


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